Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Me The Next Few Days....

Editor's Note:

I will be off the next few days attending to all of the little Del Francos. I'll be back next week with full commentary. If my wife's C-section is anything like the first, tomorrow should be fraught with emotion, anxiety and all the rest. I hope I don't fall off the stool during the surgery because I'm told that's exactly where they'll leave me--on the floor counting the ring lights! I'm a stone-cold coward at the hospital.

Until next week.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark, good luck tomorrow to you and wife, and congratulations.

Please allow me to offer some man-to-man advise. When you and wife are in delivery keep your eyes north of the equator, and I'm not talking about Caracas, I'm talking about Quebec. TRUST ME !

The flashbacks could take years to recover from. One day, who knows, Granny has the kids, your enjoying an autumn weekend in the Poconos with your spouse, wine in hand, then BAM! YOUR DONE! Sadly Dr. Phil is nowhere insight.

Let the miracle of life first greet you well behind that libido saving curtain.

Oh wait, you said Cesarean .... same words apply.