Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Word From The Messiah...

Anyone watch the Messiah, er, Barack Obama's infomercial last night? While it wasn't as tedious and tortured as Ross Perot's pie charts (Remember those back in 1992?), it was over-the-top and overly dramatic.

A few things struck me as odd right away. That office Obama was sitting in...with the wood paneling in front of the window..was this a makeshift Oval Office? And Obama was sporting a flag pin--something he was against. Is this what we can expect from our leader-to-be? I know. It's all an effort to make Obama appear Presidential. Silly. My question: who bought it last night?

Perhaps the best part about the informercial: He changed his stance on his tax mantra: Remember it was always "if you make less than $250,000 your taxes would not be raised one dime? --That's what we heard all through the campaign. Last night, however, he said those people making less than $200,000 would be taxed. Anyone catch that sleight of hand?

Personally I liked ABCs strategy: They didn't take his money and instead aired the forgettable Pushing Daisies--That'll make for an interesting trivia question as the years unfold. Which makes me wonder why FOX decided to air it? Aren't they for the conversatives or is that just FOX News?

For me, the one cool aspect of the infomercial involved came in the 27th minute...The infomerical was suddenly a live shot of the Messiah addressing the masses in Florida. Maybe that's what passes for genius these days. Sad really.

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