Friday, January 22, 2010

What I've Learned Friday....

It’s sick out there and getting sicker……

Like it or not the National Enquirer deserves kudos for its coverage of the John Edwards scandal. By now everyone knows the story of the former presidential candidate denied fathering a child with a campaign staffer. Yesterday, in a desperate attempt to tell his own story before an upcoming book, Edwards admitted to it. So the Enquirer is vindicated. Two years ago, during the presidential campaign, the Enquirer went where the mainstream press would not go, and are now basking in legitimacy. But does such reportage merit a Pulitzer? Let’s relax. After all, isn’t this is the same publication running breathless headlines of aliens and Big Foot sightings?

Perhaps the best zinger during the whole late night fiasco came courtesy of Jay Leno, who after weeks of taking David Letterman’s jabs, fired back this salvo…”Letterman’s talking about me again. He’s really killing me. (Turning to bandleader Kevin Eubanks) Hey Kev, do you know how to make Letterman ignore you? Marry him.” Ba-zing.

And as Conan winds down the Tonight Show tonight, over the last few days he introduced new comedy bits "that aren't so much funny as they are expensive," "The good news is, until NBC yanks us off the air, we can pretty much do whatever we want," O'Brien told the audience. "And here's the beautiful part: We do whatever we want, and they have to pay for it.

That included rolling out a Bugatti Veyron, the world's most expensive car, onto the stage, decorated as a mouse with the original recording of the Rolling Stones’ Satisfaction playing in the background. He said the bit cost $1.5 million. Last night's expensive skit included 2009 Kentucky Derby winner "Mine That Bird" wearing a mink Snuggie and watching restricted NFL Superbowl footage. Total cost: $4.8 million.

On WPLR 99.1’s Chaz & AJ mornings show, a CNN reporter covering the aftermath in Haiti called covering 9/11 the highlight of her career. You can tell she was shaken by the death and devastation around her. Then, on the air, she said this. “I thought 9/11 was the highlight of my career, I had my live shot and everything….” After prodding by Chaz, the reporter realized her gaffe and tried to explain. Too late. The damage had been done. The reporter was suitably blasted by unforgiving callers.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any lower or depraved or depressing, let me offer this: The estate of Michael Jackson is objecting to a claim by Jackson’s father, Joe, that would give him an estimated $15,000 per month. In filings, the elder Jackson listed his expenses as follows: $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.
Note to Joe Jackson: Really? $2500 to eat out? Dominoes won’t do every now and then?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Leno Addresses Late Night Fiasco

On last night's Jay Leno Show, Jay used the post monologue segment to weigh in on the late night fiasco. Leno explained to the viewing audience his side of the story going back to the 2004 decision to give the Tonight Show to Conan. His candor was admirable and seemed genuinely concerned with the well-being of 175 people who work with him. More important, he acknowledged his low ratings. "Look, where I come from, when you don't get the ratings, you are humbled."

Leno also explained that he didn't want to do the half-hour show at 11:35 (Leading to Conan's Tonight Show) He followed with this:

"I asked NBC if I could get out of my contract and they said no...and that I was too big an asset to lose. How big an asset can I be if you fired me twice?" Great line.

Leno went on to say that he holds no animosity against O'Brien, but threw this zinger David Letterman's way: "Remember the good ol days when the biggest thing was figuring out which intern the host was nailing??