Saturday, November 14, 2009

Time to get off my Snackwells ass and start writing. I went up to the attic and rediscovered my baseball card collection. I have more common cards than any one person should be allowed. And I have tens of thousands. I can remember buying a Topps wax pack for $0.27 cents in 1979. I've never thrown them out nor has my mother (thanks Mom). Much of what I've collected, however, is worthless. Perhaps worthless is too strong. I have some nice cards from the 50s, 60s and early 70s. It's just that Mickey Mantles, Ted Williams' and Honus Wagners have eluded me. Perhaps it's worthy deeper self-analysis to why I'm so emotional invested to collect the cardboard of journeyman pitchers such as Joe Coleman.

1 comment:

JMD said...

Nice, but this Coleman cardboard shown is not 1979 Topps, but the Canadian sister to Topps, O-Pee-Chee.